3-5 Jul 2023 Montpellier (France)

Cosmic-Ray workshop 4

Cosmic rays and their influence on the dynamics of astrophysical systems is a field of research that is both old since the discovery of this radiation dates back more than 100 years and young because the sources at the origin of its production, its transport in the interstellar or intergalactic medium as well as the extent of its role in the multi-scale dynamics of astrophysical systems is still poorly understood.

The main purpose of this new workshop will be to provide an overview of the activity on this research theme in France by offering a broad view of its astrophysical interest.

This is the 4th workshop of its kind. The first took place in Paris in 2018, the second in Montpellier (Espace Saint Charles) in 2019, the third again in Paris (remotely) in 2021.

The objective of this workshop is first of all to bring together the different researchers involved at the national level in research related to the problem of cosmic radiation, both on astrophysical (data, models) and physical (theory) aspects. In addition for this 4th version, we are aiming to invite foreign colleagues to provide some reviews on the main themes of the workshop (see below).

The main themes of this workshop will be: 1) in-situ production of energetic particles around young solar-like stars and more massive objects. In this theme, a review will be offered on the recent results of the Parker solar probes and the solar orbiter. 2) The effect of cosmic radiation on the dynamics of the interstellar medium and in particular on the control of the rate of stellar formation in our galaxy. 3) The effect of cosmic radiation on the formation of large structures in cosmology and in particular their production by the first stars produced in the universe. 4) The impact of low-energy cosmic radiation on the chemistry of the interstellar medium from early molecules to pre-biotic chemistry. 5) The sources of high-energy cosmic radiation and the theory of their acceleration and transport in the interstellar/intergalactic medium. 6) Cosmic-Ray impact over planetary atmospheres. 7) Laboratory experiments. 

The workshop benefits from a support of the IN2P3 (Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics) which will largely finance the event. The LUPM laboratory will provide additional financial support to the organization. The workshop has no registration fee. Financial support will be available for a number of non-permanent researchers.

The meeting will be mixt partly remotely. A zoom connection will be provided in time:

zoom link: https://umontpellier-fr.zoom.us/j/95683725501

Invited review talks

Source session

First results of the solar Parker probe and the Solar Orbitor. Acceleration and transport of energetic particles. Alexis Rouillard (IRAP)

The quest of Pevatrons. Pierre Cristofari (LUTH)

Transport session

Cosmic-Ray transport theories. Philipp Mertsch (RWTH, Aachen)

Cosmic-Ray feedback and interstellar medium dynamics. Yohan Dubois (IAP)

Interaction session

Cosmic-Ray induced chemistry. Marco Padovani (Arcetri Observatory)

Modeling the impact of Cosmic Rays on (exo)planetary atmospheres. Konstantin Herbst (IEAP, Kiel) 

Invited Highlight talks

Source session

Energetic Particles propagation in the environment of young stellar objects. Dona Rodgers-Lee (DIAS, Dublin)

Gamma-ray halos around pulsars. Pierrick Martin (IRAP)

Cosmic Rays and transient sources. Claire Guépin (Chicago University & LUPM)

Transport session

Cosmic-ray induced galactic winds. Sarah Recchia (Torino University)

Cosmic Ray transport. The MICRO project. Silvio Sergio Cerri (OCA)

Low-energy Cosmic rays transport and interactions. Minh Phan (RWTH, AAchen)

Mirror diffusion of cosmic rays-strong coupling between cosmic rays and interstellar gas Siyao Xu (Princeton)

Interaction session

Cosmic Rays and the origin of life. Noémie Globus (California University, Santa Cruz)

Electron acceleration at collisionless shocks. Results and intepretation of the National Ignition Facilty experiments. Anna Grassi (LULI)

Space and laboratory irradiation experiments. Riccordo Urso (Astrophysical Observatory of Catania)

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